

Merry Christmas! Hyvää Joulua!

Merry Christmas! Hyvää Joulua!

Park in center of Helsinki

No snow, so it means unfortunately, no white christmas. It really feels a bit strange. Last year it was snowing rather heavily at the Christmas Eve. Ei ole lunta tänä jouluna. Eli harmillisesti ei saatu valkoista joulua. Tuntuu, jotenkin oudolta. Viime vuonnahan satoi aika rankastikin aattona lunta.

There've been so much things going on on my life that I have several postings waiting to finishing touch and publishing :) some pop up fairs, some crafting and diy stuff also. Hieman on ollut kiirettä viime aikoina ja kaikenlaista on ehtinyt tapahtua. Luonnoksissa lojuu useita postauksia odottamassa viimeistelyitä. Tulossa ainakin pop up'sta juttua ja tietenkin näitä tee itse- postauksia.

I just finished last diy Christmas presents - just in time! :D I just love these reflective dragonflies and these "christmasy" bling earings makes the Christmas look perfect. :D Will write of these too. Sain juuri valmiiksi viimeiset tee itse -joululahjat - ihan ajoissa! Tykkään ihan älyttömästi näistä heijastavista sudenkorennoista ja jouluiset korviksethan viimeistelevät joululookin. Kirjoittelen myös näistä.

Wish you have your loved ones around you and you'll have the best (DIY spiritual) Chirstmas ever! :) Toivon, että sinulle tärkeät ihmiset ja eläimet ovat lähelläsi ja, että sinulla on paras (tee itse- henkinen) joulu ikinä! :)


Happy Halloween – Hurrrjan hauskaa Halloweenia!

”My” First Halloween Pumpkin Jack-o'-latern – Kurpitsalyhty

I was invited to my sister's house to participate nephews' (They are almost six and 2,5 yrs old!) jack-o'-latern -project. I just loved it!

First you plan, then you sketch and then hopefully somebody else will do (carve) the face to the pumpkin :D

Good planning is the key. So first some sketching. And generating few new ideas. After that there was some difficulties to determine how to decide which sketch or combo of the sketchies will be ”the face” of the Jack-o'-latern. I think it probably was decided in some sort of acclamation. :D 

The joy and the enlighten on my nephews faces was the greatest gift! This Jack-o'-latern -project was obviously success! It was exciting, fun and scary enough to all of us, to the children as well as to the adults too!

Happy Halloween!



Easy Foodprep Egg Muffins To Go - Helpot munakasmuffinssit

Easy Foodprep Egg Muffins To Go - Helpot munakasmuffinssit

As usually I went slightly overboarded with my foodprep. :D I bought dozens of free range eggs so I had to figured out what on earth I'll going to do with them. (Once a hoarder always a hoarder? Hoarded things only changes …..)

l came across one of the egg muffins recipe and instantly I thought - that shall fix my ”egg” problem.

Egg Muffins (8 portitions)

6 eggs
0,5 dl grated cheese
0,5 dl herbes
0,5 dl finely sliced/chopped: ready to eat → ham, turkey, beef. I used minced and cooked turkey
0,5 dl finely sliced/chopped veggies you prefer I used grated carrots, onions & red pepper = paprika all organic
splash on black pepper prefebrably directly from the pepper grater
1 tl (unrefined or ”organic”) fine sea salt


Preheat the oven to 200 celsius degree + fry/cook the meat if you haven't done that already.
Take a large bowl
Chop veggies and ”the meat” you prefer
”Break” the eggs
Add cheese + herbes
season it with black pepper & salt
oil the muffins tin/tray (not neccessary if you use paper tin. I did that and it was quite a disaster!)
Divide the ”batter” to the muffin tins/ muffin tray
Bake at 200 celsius degrees about 10-15 min.

I made a few batch of these and tossed them to freezer. When I'm in hurry – usually – in the mornings, I just (shhh! bad bad bad → )microwave them and my brekkie is ready! :)


 Helpot munakasmuffinssit


Kas, tavoilleni tyypillisesti hieman liioittelin ja menin ostamaan kymmenittäin kananmunia, kun nyt suoraan tuottajalta sai. (Eikä koskaan enää ikinä näitä saa ;) haha. Eli kerran hamsteri – aina hamsteri? Hamstrattavat asiat vaan välillä vaihtuu... ).

Törmäsinpä sitten helppoon munakasmuffinssi reseptiin ja muokkasin sitä hieman, jotta se sopii omaan ruokavaliooni. Pelastus!

Esilämmitä uuni (200 astetta) + paista liha, jollet ole tehnyt sitä jo aiemmin

Ota iso kulho

Silppua haluamasi kasvikset ja mahdollinen liha / leikkele ja lisää kulhoon.

Riko kananmunat kulhoon. (Tämä lienee turvallisinta tehdä lasin/mukin kautta)

Lisää juustoraaste ja yrtit.

Sekoita munien rakenne rikki ja kaikki ainekset kunnolla keskenään.

Mausta haluamallasi (luomuyrtti) suolalla ja mustapippurilla.

Öljyä muffinssivuoat / -tarjotin, jos et käytä paperisia muffinssivuokia suojaamassa muffinssipeltiä. (Nämä papriset vuoat olivat totaalikatastrofi. Laitoin liikaa täytettä, jolloin taikina pursui vuokakolon ja paperivuoan väliin. → Sotkua. Ihan hirveästi sotkua ;) )

Nostele "taikina" muffinssivuokiin. (3/4)

Paista 200 asteessa n. 10 - 15 minuuttia.

Tein kerralla muutaman satsin ja heitin pakkaseen. Sieltä on sitten kiva ja helppo napata pika-aamu- tai välipalaa mikron kautta ja eiku ääntä kohti :)


Shhh..... if you want to keep up the mystery :) or don't want to show - what you're reading... easy book covers is the answer! DIY BOOK COVER

Shhh..... if you want to keep up the mystery :) or don't want to show - what you're reading... easy book covers is the answer! DIY BOOK COVER

Easy book covers to make. When I take a book with me I usually don't want to show what I'm reading. Especially when I'm reading something “heavy” or some sort of selfhelp type books. So I'm reading of.... “how to manage when you have experienced some specific trauma in one's life”, now. And I really won't want some unknown fellow to start conversation of the book ;) so I found myself to trying figorously to hide the cover of the book. :D 

Do you remember when we make covers to our schoolbooks? I found some old posters which were perfect to this project. I lay down the book to the poster and started to fold the poster. Then I cut the poster roughly to the right size. After I had folded the poster as a cover, I put some “pakage tape” to the the edges. Voila! It's finished! You could use washi tape if ou like. Also you could use any kind of paper/poster to do covers but it would last longer and will be sustainable if you use hevier/thick paper.

I fold some extra page to the end of the cover so now I have easy bookmark as well. :)

Pretty cool!


Some Bling Bling Stuff - Make Hairclips Hairpins & Broochs Yourself

Okey! I know! It's been tooooooo looooooong but I'm back! You probably remember that I had few months ago this nightmarish move out move in -project. Well during that project I broke my back and my arm... now I'm back and my get rid of all unnecessities is continuing. So here's a Throwback – here's some selfmade hairclips & broochs. These were easy to made. I just clued some acrylic diamonds to the base of the hairclip and base of the brooch. :) Of course I did it some sort of the wrong way – as I usually do these experiments. I just do it and afterwards I can make a conclusion – was it worthwhile or not. Naturally! The clue what I was using were in a fact just a some sort of gel paint pen. Sakura gel pen in a fact. So this is what I did, first I coloured generously the base of the hairclip and then I started to put those acrylic diamonds to the damp paint. I also got the paint to my fingers and some how also to my hair – naturally! 

These materials were leftovers from scrapbooking. As you can see I had different kind of acrylic diamonds the colours, sizes and shapes varietes. You really should try these, they are really fun and easy to make and now you really can do some pretty nice accessories that you definitely need/like/match up/love/etc :D

I have been thinking about my blog and came across some idea that this should be a blog of my lifestyle. I love pilates, cycling, hiking, I love food & coffee, so I'm a Foodie :) I love making these creative plans what I or some else could do as an DIY -project. I love to write what I see, what I do or what I'm dreaming about. So this quote of mine: creativity is power of my soul. DIY – Do It Yourself stands for me my lifestyle.

Should I rephrase that? Does everybody understand that this creativity means all the things we would/might/could do...?

Have a best day ever!


Muuttolaatikkotetris - Cardboard Tetris is the name of the day the game you know :)

Heiiippa piiitkästä aikaa! Hellou to you all! It's been a while since .... English readers, pls scroll you way down. Thanks!

Muuttolaatikko tetristä tässä pelailen. Muutto lähestyy vinhaa vauhtia ja epätoivo kasvaa samassa tahdissa. Ahdistavaa. Miten ihmeessä minulla on näin paljon kaikkea turhaa?! Apuaaa. Eihän nämä mahdu edes uuteen kotiin, ei sitten millään. Muuttopaniikki siis iskee ja lujaa. Mutta vielä on viikko aikaa tehdä taikoa.

Kirpparille olen kantanut kymmeniä laatikoita ja kasseja.

Carrying Things To Fleamarket

Ensi kerralla muutan sitten sillain järkevästi. Aloitan puoli vuotta aikaisemmin tavaroiden lajittelun, pidettäviin, lahjoitettaviin ja poistettaviin. Ihan oikeasti, sitten ensi kerralla! Niin varmaan mutta itsensä huijaaminen on sekin ihan varmasti taitolaji :)

Moving day is coming
Moving Day Is Coming Sooner Than I Would Want It To Be...

Tietenkin meni hermot papereiden pläräämiseen, joten päätin tehdä pika tuunauksen. Kuinka tyypillistä tehdä jotain täysin epäoleellista silloin kuin ei todellakaan pitäisi. :D  Löysin vanhan seinäkalenterin, jossa oli mielestäni kivan sööttejä kuvia. Eikun kalenteri palasiksi ja kuva kehykseen. Tadaa! Mahtavan söpö sisustustaulu on valmis. Laittelen lisäinfoa hippasen myöhemmin.

Kalenterin kuvasta ja kivan värisistä kehyksistä sai tuunattua söötin sisustustaulun, eikö totta?

Well  I'm playing some sort of Tetris. Actually I love the actual game but playing with moving boxes it's really not much of fun. Moving day is coming closer and closer and at the same time my despair is increasing. This is purely agonizing! I'm never going to make it! How on the earth I have so much useless (junk) things at my home..? Helphelp help needed indeed :)

So I'm having this nice feeling called panic. Let's be accurate I'm having moving panic. But I stll have one week to solve these little problems of mine.

I've been carrying dozens of boxes and bags to the fleamarket. Yay for me. Good job. ;)

Carrying Things To Fleamarket

 Next time I WILL move rationally. I will start this sorting things (keepers, donate/sell & toss) at least a good half year before the moving day. Honestly, I would do that. Yeah right. I think self cheating is surely some kind of talent, n'est-ce pas?

So I lost it at some point - you could guess it. I was sorting my files and papers and after several hours I just had it. I needed some break. I've founded earlier my old calendar when sorting out the papers. So I made quick DIY picture. I tore all the nice and cute pictures from the calendar, cut them at the right size and I bought (just right shade) coloured pictureframes. Here's the first one. Rather cute, I think. What ya think?

Kalenterin kuvasta ja kivan värisistä kehyksistä sai tuunattua söötin sisustustaulun, eikö totta?

Have a nice week! Mukavaa viikkoa kaikille!